Birthday for Masako and her book

Yesterday was 21 February 2017 and the birthday of our author Masako Saito. She would have been 86 years old. In celebration and in fondest memory of this remarkable writer and scholar we published her novel blossom on Kobo and Kindle. The next step will be a ‘physical book’ which shouldn’t be too far down the road. In the meantime, you have the opportunity to read blossom on an e-reader, which is at least convenient. But why should you?

Because there is nothing else like it. It’s a completely different world of power struggles, passionate love, poetry, wonderful clothes, beautiful nature and lots more – but not as you have ever known them. This is ninth century Japan, the hero and narrator is one of Japan’s greatest poets and the events in the Heian court represent the flowering of a literary and aesthetic culture equal to any other in the world. And there are secret conspiracies and at least one imperial assassination (or was it?), dark family secrets, passionate love affairs (with the perfect woman and when that becomes impossible her younger sister) and blizzards of cherry blossom. All long ago and far away but relax into it and you’ll be there in the great mansions, in the crowds flocking to the blazing gate of the Imperial Palace and under the cherry trees as you ride into the abandoned capital of Nara  Masako Saito’s profound knowledge of classical Japan and unique imagination combine here in her greatest and, sadly, last book.


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